Graduate students are required to take the four core Anthropology courses listed below, along with courses specific to their subfield. Jump to archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, and linguistic anthropology courses.
Read descriptions of these required courses.
Core Courses
- 401 (1,2,3,4) The Logic of Inquiry in Anthropology
- 496 Bridging Seminar
- One Course in Formal Methods
Archaeology Student Courses
In addition to the above core requirements, archaeology students are required to take seven sub-field requirements:
- Two graduate level courses in biological, cultural or linguistic anthropology,
- 322 Introduction to Archaeological Research Design and Methods
- Two graduate level Topics courses (490).
All Students must also demonstrate knowledge and field and laboratory methods.
Biological Anthropology Student Courses
In addition to the above core requirements, biological anthropology students are required to take the following courses:
- 386 Methods in Human Biology Research
- 490 Human Population Biology
- 486 Evolution and Biological Anthropology
Biological students are also required to take at least one (and preferably) two quarters of statistics, which can be fulfilled through the Anthropology Department or elsewhere (e.g., Sociology, public health, SESP).
Cultural Anthropology Student Courses
In addition to the above core requirements, cultural students are required to take three additional courses from an approved list provided by the cultural faculty, by the end of their graduate studies. Students may petition to have other courses count towards this requirement.
Linguistic Anthropology Student Courses
In addition to the above requirements, Linguistic Anthropology students are required to take:
- Two advanced graduate seminars in Linguistic Anthropology
- One course in methods in Linguistic Anthropology (361 or 461)
- At least one, preferably two or more, of nine rotating graduate seminars offered every three years in Cultural Anthropology (Economic Anthropology, Religion and Values, Globalization, etc.).