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Find the books, dissertations, articles, and annual reports covering the Chan Project.



Blackmore, Chelsea. 2008. “Challenging 'Commoner': An Examination of Status and Identity at the Ancient Maya Village of Chan, Belize.” PhD dissertation, University of California-Riverside.

Robin, Cynthia 1999. “Towards an Archaeology of Everyday Life: Maya Farmers at Chan Noòhol, Belize.” PhD dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.

Wyatt, Andrew R. 2008. “Gardens on Hills: The Archaeology of Ancient Maya Terrace Agriculture at Chan, Belize.” PhD dissertation, University of Illinois-Chicago.


Blackmore, Chelsea. 2011. “Ritual among the Masses: Deconstructing Identity and Class in an Ancient Maya Neighborhood.” Latin American Antiquity 22 (2): 159-77.

Blackmore, Chelsea. 2007. “Commoner Ritual and Socio-Political Life in a Late Classic Neighborhood: Archaeological Investigations at the Northeast Group, Chan, Belize.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 4: 24-46.

Kosakowsky, Laura J. and Cynthia Robin. 2010. “Contextualizing Ritual Behavior at the Chan Site: Pottery Vessels and Ceramic Artifacts from Burials, Caches, and Problematical Deposits.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 7: 45-54.

Meierhoff, James, Mark Golitko, and Jim Morris. 2010. Sourcing of obsidian from the ancient Maya farming village of Chan, Belize using portable-XRF.” SAS Bulletin 33: 5-8.

Novotny, Anna C., and Laura J. Kosakowsky. 2009. “Burials and Caches from the Chan Site E-Group: A Bioarchaeological Perspective on Ritual and Social Complexity at an Ancient Maya Farming Community.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6: 73-81.

Robin, Cynthia. 2009. “Whose Complexity? Ancient Maya Socio-Political Organization and Complexity: A View from the Farm.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6: 25-32.

Robin, Cynthia. 2006. “Gender, Farming, and Long-Term Change: Maya Historical and Archaeological Perspectives.” Current Anthropology 47 (3): 409-33.

Robin, Cynthia. 2002a. “Outside of Houses: The Practices of Everyday Life at Chan Noòhol.” Journal of Social Archaeology 2 (2): 245-68.

Robin, Cynthia. 2002b. “Gender and Farming at Chan Noòhol, Belize.” In Ancient Maya Women, ed. T. Ardren, 12-30. Walnut Creek, California: AltaMira Press.

Robin, Cynthia, Chelsea Blackmore, and Michael Latsch. 2005. “Household and Community Ritual in a Farming Community.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 2: 339-49.

Robin, Cynthia, William Middleton, Mary Morrison, and Santiago Juarez. 2004. “Surveying an Agrarian Community: The 2002 Season at the Chan Site.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 1: 231-42.

Wyatt, Andrew R. 2008. “Pine as an Element of Household Refuse in the Fertilization of Ancient Maya Agricultural Fields.” Journal of Ethnobiology 28 (2): 244-58.

Wyatt, Andrew R. 2006. “Excavations of Agricultural Terraces at Chan, Belize: Results of the 2004 Season.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 3: 169-178.