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2024-2025 Colloquia

September 23rd

Rachel Carmody

Harvard University






October 21stCarolyn Rouse

Carolyn Rouse

Princeton University





October 28thmakihara-250x250.png

Miki Makihara

Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York

 Rapa Nui Voice, Stance, and Subjectivities 

Language has become a desired object of attention in many indigenous and other minority communities around the world. Yet the objectives and challenges of language revitalization and reclamation efforts are sometimes misrecognized and experienced differently by individual speakers, families, language and political activists, and nation-states. Based on interviews with language activists and three decades of accompanying the Rapa Nui community’s (aka Easter Island, a Polynesian island in Chile) efforts in language maintenance and revitalization, we reflect upon the shifting stancemaking positions that have developed in the community. These include (a) how language activists have come to center attention on a variety of Rapa Nui language, that some have called maitaki  (‘clean and beautiful’) speech, as central to the community’s commitment to genealogical continuity, land reclamation, and community building through language structuration and cherishing, (b) how community members have developed the practices of, and intimacy with, everyday syncretic bilingual ways of speaking but have been persuaded to appreciate the cherished Rapa Nui language, and (c) how the democratizing Chilean state’s evolving stance toward indigenous groups (pueblos originarios) and multiculturalism has come to elevate cherishing the Rapa Nui language, but has fallen short of  supporting revitalization efforts in meaningful ways.

November 11th
Photo of Alice Yao

Alice Yao

University of Chicago






February 17thZengin, Aslı

Asli Zengin

Rutgers University






April 14thPhoto of Chelsea Fisher

Chelsea Fisher

The University of South Carolina





April 28th

Karen Strier

University of Wisconsin - Madison





May 12thBarbra A. Meek

Barbra Meek

University of Michigan