Graduate Student Awards
Graduate student awards are listed here, along with the grants and fellowships awarded.
Aseel Abulhab
- Buffet Institute for Global Affairs Summer Language Grant (2024)
- The Graduate School (TGS) Summer Language Grant (2024)
- Middle East and North African Studies (MENA) Summer Language Grant (2023)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (FAN) Summer Research Grant (2023)
- Mellon Cluster Fellowship in Middle East and North African Studies (MENA) (2023)
Bobbie Benavidez
- National Science Foundation-Graduate Research Fellowship (2021-2024)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (FAN) Summer
Research Grant (2022) - Graduate Student Research Travel Award (2022)
- TGS Conference Travel Grant (2022)
- Northwestern Buffett Graduate Research Travel Award (2022)
- Northwestern-Center for Native American & Indigenous Research Graduate Research Fellow (2020-2021)
emily barron
- The Society Biology, and Health Travel Grant, Northwestern University (2024)
- Student Representative Travel Grant, Human Biololgy Association (2024)
- The Graduate School Conference Travel Grant, Northwestern University (2023)
- The Society Biology, and Health Travel Grant, Northwestern University, (2023)
- Anthropology Department Travel Grant, Northwestern University (2023)
- The Society, Biology, and Health Fellowship, Northwestern University (2022)
Sarah Breiter
- Northwestern-Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program (2020)
Austin Bryan
- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Dissertation Writing Fellowship (2024)
- The Writing Place Graduate Fellow (2024)
- UCLA Williams Institute, Global LGBTQ+ Aging Seed Grant (2024)
- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Graduate Student Research Travel Award (2024)
- Michael Hoefges Graduate Student Research Award, Law & Policy Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (2024)
- Earle Dissertation Research Grant (2023)
- Duke University Rubenstein Library History of Medicine Research Grant (2023)
- Law and Society Association Graduate Student & Early Career Workshop Award (2023)
- The Graduate School Graduate Research Grant (2023)
- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Conference Travel Grant (2023)
- Goodman Language Grant, Program of African Studies (2023)
- Panofsky Award, Program of African Studies (2023, 2022, & 2021)
- Sexualities Project at Northwestern Research Grant (2023, 2022, & 2021)
- Sexualities Project at Northwestern Conference Travel Grant (2023, 2022, & 2021)
- Program of African Studies Conference Travel Grant (2022)
- The Graduate School Conference Travel Grant (2022)
- Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern & Foster Family Research Grant (2021)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2020-2025)
- Northwestern-Social Science Research Council Dissertation Development Program (2020)
- Lobban Research Grant for the Anthropology of Africa (2019)
- The Graduate School Language Grant (2019)
- Queer African Studies Association Conference Travel Grant (2019)
- Critical Language Scholarship for Kiswahili, U.S. Department of State (2018)
Margaret Butler
- Love of Learning Grant, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi (2022)
- Social Justice Mini Grant, The Office of Diversity and Inclusion, The Graduate School, Northwestern University (2021)
- Earle Dissertation Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University (2021)
- Graduate Research Grant, The Graduate School, Northwestern University (2021)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (FAN) Summer Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University (2020,2021)
- Society, Biology, and Health Cluster Fellowship (2018)
- Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference Scholarship (2018)
- Buffet Institute Graduate Student Conference Travel Award (2018)
Kyle Craig
- American Center of Oriental Research-CAORC Fellowship (2020)
- JACEE - Critical Language Enhancement Award (2019)
- Fulbright IIIE Grant (2019-2020)
- Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2019-2020)
Julio Garcia-Solares
- National Science Foundation - Graduate Research Fellowship (2023-2026)
- Buffet Institute Graduate Student Conference Travel Award (2023)
- Social Science and Research Council - Dissertation Proposal Development Program (2023)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (FAN) Summer Research Grant (2022)
James Gibb
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Doctoral Foreign Study Award from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (2022-2025)
syd gonzález
- Earle Dissertation Research Grant (2024)
- Latino/a Studies Program Small Projects Grant (2024)
- Buffet Institute Graduate Student Conference Travel Award (2023)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Summer Research Grant (2021, 2023)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Winter Reading Group (2022, 2023)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Conference Funding (2023)
- Center for Native American and Indigenous Research Graduate Research Fellowship (2022)
- Social Science and Research Council - Dissertation Proposal Development Program (2022)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern Summer Research Grant (2022)
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies Graduate Summer Research Grant (2021)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Research Support (2020)
- Gender and Sexuality Studies Mellon Cluster Fellowship (2020)
Bridgette Hulse
- Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2023)
- Earle Dissertation Research Grant (2023)
- Council of British Archaeology - East Midlands Research Grant (2023)
- Northwestern's Graduate Research Grant (2023)
- Northwestern's Medieval Colloquia Research Grant (2023)
- LeCron Foster & Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (2020)
Şeyma Kabaoğlu
- The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Religion, Spirituality, and Democratic Renewal Fellowship (2023 – 2024)
- LeCron Foster & Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (2023)
- AAUW International Doctoral Fellowship (2022-2023)
- M. Estellie Smith Memorial Award, AAA, Society for Economic Anthropology (2021)
- Kaplan Public Humanities Graduate Practicum Fellowship, Northwestern University (2021)
- Graduate Student Research Travel Award, Northwestern Buffett Institute (2020)
- Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Fellowship-Global Banking and Finance (2019-2020)
- Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Research Grant (2018)
Keegan Krause
- The Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Summer Language Training Award (2024)
- The Graduate School Summer Language Study Award (2024)
- The Human Biology Association Student Travel Award (2024)
- The American Association of Biological Anthropologists Politzer Student Travel Award (2024)
- The Institute for Policy Research Research Assistantship (2023)
- The Society for Psychological Anthropology Beatrice and John Whiting Travel Award (2023)
- The National Science Foundation Cultural Anthropology Methodology Program Fellowship (2022)
- The Graduate School Conference Travel Grant (2022, 2024)
- The Society, Biology, and Health Cluster Fellowship (2022)
Jackson Krause
- Native American and Indigenous Studies Mellon Cluster Fellowship (2021)
Meng-Rung Lin
- Buffett Institute pre-dissertation research award (2023)
- Buffett Institute summer language learning award (2023)
- Foster-Fan research grant (2023)
- Buffett Institute Graduate Student Conference Travel Award (2023)
- Northwestern TGS summer language learning grant (2022)
- Northwestern TGS conference travel grant (2022)
- Northwestern Science and Human Culture Supplemental Fund (2022, 2023)
Bahram Naderil
- Arryman Fellowship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2016)
- Arryman Scholarship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2017-2023)
- Sexuality Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Conference Grant (2018)
Mahmure İdil Özkan
- Crown Center for Jewish Studies Graduate Fellowship, Northwestern University (2023-2024)
- Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2021)
- Social Science Research Council Dissertation Proposal Development Program Fellowship (SSRC-DPD) (2019)
- Pre-Dissertation Fellowship Honorable Mention by Society for the Anthropology of Europe - the Council for European Studies (SAE-CES) (2019)
- Research Grant by Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Fellowship at Buffet Institute for Global Studies (2018)
- Northwestern-TGS Summer Language Grant (2018)
- Buffet Institute Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Research Grant (2018)
- Northwestern-Mellon Cluster Grant in Jewish Studies (2017)
Haley Ragsdale
- Society, Biology, and Health Cluster Fellowship (2018)
Daniela Raillard
- Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2022)
- The Spatial Archaeology Residential and Online Institute Fellowship at University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (2022-2023)
- The Graduate School Graduate Research Grant (2022)
- Kaplan Public Humanities Graduate Research Workshop (2021-2022)
- Northwestern-Center for Native American and Indigenous Research Graduate Research Fellowship (2019-2020)
- Northwestern-Latin American and Caribbean Studies Graduate Summer Research Grants (2017-2022)
- Andean Cultures and Histories Working Group Graduate Summer Research Grant (2018, 2022)
- Graduate Conference Travel Award (2019)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology Research Grant (2018)
- Mellon Cluster Fellowship in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Cluster (2017)
Febi Ramadham
- Northwestern-SPAN Summer Research Award (2020)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Dissertation Fellowship (2022)
- Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Student Research Grant (2022)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Summer Research Grant (2022, 2020)
- Southeast Asia Research Group Pre-Dissertation Fellowship (2022)
- Earle Dissertation Research Grant (2022)
- Northwestern Buffett Dissertation Research Travel Award (2022)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Reading Group Research Funding (2022)
- Co-Winner, Society for the Anthropology of Religion Graduate Student Paper Prize (2021)
- The Sexualities Project at Northwestern Conference Travel Grant (2021)
- Northwestern University Graduate School Conference Travel Grant (2021)
- Lobban Award for Early Graduate Research Summer Research Grant (2020)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern Summer Research Grant (2020)
- Sara Berry Award for Most Distinguished Graduate Paper at the Graduate Student Conference, “Eyes on Surveillance: Insecurity in Everyday Life” at Johns Hopkins University (2019)
- Arryman Scholarship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2019-2025)
- Arryman Fellowship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2018)
Kaelin Rapport
- Ford Foundation Fellowship (2018-2021)
- NU SSRC dissertation proposal development program (2019)
Sophie Reilly
- Social Science Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship (2019-2023)
- Wenner Gren Research Grant (2022)
- Nationa Science Foundation- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (2022)
- The OpEd Project’s Write to Change the World. American Anthropological Association, 2022
- Graduate Travel Grant. The Graduate School, Northwestern University, 2022
- Summer Language Grant. The Graduate School, Northwestern University, 2022 – 2023
- Graduate Research Grant. The Graduate School, Northwestern University, 2022 - 2023
- Lobban Award. Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University, 2021 - 2022
- Arryman Scholar Award. The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Foundations, 2020 – 2026
- Arryman Fellowship Award. The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Foundations, 2019 - 2020
- Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Research Grant (2024)
- The Earle Dissertation Research Grant, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University (2023)
- The Society for Anthropology of Work Research Grant (2023)
- Travel Grant, American Indonesian Cultural and Education Foundation (2022)
- Graduate Research Grant, The Graduate School, Northwestern University (2022)
- LeCron Foster and Friends of Anthropology at Northwestern (FAN - Foster) Summer Research Grant (2022)
- Summer Language Grant, The Graduate School, Northwestern University (2021)
- Arryman Scholarship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2019-2025)
- Arryman Fellowship, Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (2018)
Dil Singh Basanti
- 2022 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant
- 2018 Wenner-Gren Dissertation Research Grant
- 2018 National Geographic Early Career Grant
- 2018 Fulbright US Student Award
Craig Stevens
- National Science Foundation-Graduate Research Fellowship (2020-2023)
Keegan Terek
- Global Impact Graduate Fellowship, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs (2021-2022)
- ACOR-CAORC Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, American Center of Research, Jordan (2021)
- International Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Social Science Research Council (2019-2020)
- Dissertation Fellowship, Sexualities Project at Northwestern (2019-2020)
- Dissertation Proposal Development Program, Social Science Research Council (2018)
- The Waheed Samy Award for Excellence in Arabic Writing (2016-17)
- Summer Research Grant, Sexualities Project at Northwestern (2017)
- Crown Family Middle East Research Travel Grant, Buffett Institute for Global Affairs (2017)
- LeCron Foster & Friends of Anthropology Research Grant (2017)
- Center for Arabic Study Abroad Fellowship (2015-2016)