2014 News
Dept. of Anthropology Graduate Student Presents at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund's Fall Meeting in D.C.
Melissa Minor Peters of Northwestern University, who has spent two years conducting research on transgender Ugandans, said during the Oct. 9 presentation the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Act continues to have an adverse impact on the nation’s LGBT residents.
Department Welcomes Incoming Graduate Students
In the 2015-16 academic year, we welcome seven new graduate students to the department. These students will be introduced to the department's campus facilities and given an orientation to the program on Thursday, September 17. The two-hour event will include a welcome reception, where graduate students can get to know one another and other members of the department.
You are what your Grandmother Ate
"In general, measures of nutrition that were obtained when the mother was young or in utero herself were much stronger predictors of her baby's birth weight than are her nutrition and diet during adulthood," said Dr. Christopher Kuzawa.
Chairman Bill Leonard Discusses his Team's Research in Siberia
"Science suggests that some people have an innate advantage in keeping warm. Bill Leonard, chairman of the anthropology department at Northwestern University, is part of a team that has spent more than 20 years studying indigenous groups in rural Russia."