Faculty Publications

- Sullivan, LaShandra. 2023. Unsettling Agribusiness: Indigenous Protests and Land Conflict in Brazil.
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Link to University of Nebraska Press page. - Waxenbaum, E.B., Goliath JR, Borgelt, TS. Vulnerabilities for Marginalized Groups in the United States Forensic Anthropology Education System: Paths to Engagement and Belonging. Humans 2023, 3(2), 126-136; https://doi.org/10.3390/humans302001
- Waxenbaum, E.B., Grauer, A.L. (2022). The Journal of Forensic Sciences. "Forensic anthropology casework at the Cook County Illinois Medical Examiner’s Office, Chicago, IL, 2012-2022."
- Yildiz, Emrah. (2022). A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 33(1). “Migrant Sexualities, Queer Travelers: Iranian Bears and the Asylum of Translation in Turkey,”
- Mallott, E.K. and K.R. Amato. (2022). Butyrate production pathways in primate gut microbiomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 39(1): msab279.
- Mallott, E.K., L.H. Skovmand, P.A. Garber, and K.R. Amato. (in press). The fecal metabolome of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) varies in response to seasonal dietary changes. Molecular Ecology
- Launay, Robert. (2022) The Qur’an School and Trajectories of Islamic Education. Routledge Handbook on Islam in Africa. ed. Terje Ostebo. Routledge, pp. 92-103.
- Launay, Robert. (2022) Defining Religion: Durkheim and Weber Compared. Religions 13. https://mdpi-res.com/d_attachment/religions/religions-13-00089/article_deploy/religions-13-00089.pdf
- Launay, Robert. (2022) What does it mean to be a person? The Conversation. Link to article.
- Johnson, Matthew. (2022) English landscapes. American Journal of Archaeology 126:2, EO35-EO38.
- Meloni M, Moll T, Issaka A, Kuzawa CW. “A biosocial return to race? A cautionary view for the postgenomic era” Amer J Hum Biol. 11:e23742
- Ryan CP, Jones MJ, Edgar RD, Lee NR, Kobor MS, McDade TW, Kuzawa CW, “Immune cell type and DNA methylation vary with reproductive status in women: possible pathways for costs of reproduction” Evol Med Public Health, 10(1):47-58
- Johnson, Matthew. (2021) Chaucer, Dallingridge and Bodiam Castle: Some Intersections. Medieval Archaeology 64:2, 302-329.
- Waxenbaum, E.B., Feiler M.E. (2021) Influence of Climatic Stress on Nonmetric Sexually Dimorphic Features of the Skull and Pelvis. American Journal of Human Biology 2021; e23559. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23559
- Launay, Robert. (2021) Savagery in 18th-Century Scotland: An Intellectual Portrait of Adam Ferguson. BEROSE International Encyclopedia of the Histories of Anthropology.
- Launay, Robert. (2021) Conclusion – Tomorrow is another everyday: Religion and the shifting terrain of quotidian experience In Roman Loimeier, ed. Negotiating the Religion in Everyday Life in the “Islamic World.” Göttingen University Press. Pp. 251-255.
- Amato, K.R., E.K. Mallott, P.D. Maia, M.L. Savo Sardaro. (2021). Pre-digestion as an evolutionary impetus for human fermented food use. Current Anthropology. 62(S24): S2017-S219.
- Mallot, E.K. and K.R. Amato. (2021). Host specificity of the gut microbiome. Nature Reviews Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41579-021-00562-3
- Amato, K.R., M.C. Arrieta, M. B. Azad, M.T. Bailey, J.L. Broussard, C.E. Bruggeling, E.C. Claud, E.K. Costello, E.R. Davenport, B.E. Dutilh, H.A. Swain Ewald, P. Ewald, E.C. Hanlon, W. Julion, A. Keshavarzian, C.F. Maurice, G.E. Miller, G.A. Preidis, L. Segurel, B. Singer, S. Subramanian, L. Zhao, C.W. Kuzawa. (2021). The human gut microbiome and health inequities. Proceedings of the National Academies of Science. 18(25): e2017947118
- Amato, K.R., O.M. Chaves, E.K. Mallott, T.M. Eppley, F. Abreu, A.L. Baden, A.A. Barnett, J.C. Bicca-Marques, S.A. Boyle, C.J. Campbell, C.A. Chapman, M.F. De la Fuente, P. Fan, P.J. Fashing, A. Felton, B. Fruth, V.B. Fortes, C.C. Grueter, G. Hohmann, M. Irwin, J.K. Matthews, A. Mekonnen, A.D. Melin, D.B. Morgan, J. Ostner, N. Nguyen, A.K. Piel, B. Pinacho-Guendulain, E.P. Quintino-Arêdes, P.T. Razanaparany, N. Schiel, C.M. Sanz, O. Schülke, S. Shanee, A. Souto, J.P. Souza-Alves, F. Stewart, K.M. Stewart, A. Stone, B. Sun, S. Tecot, K. Valenta. E.R. Vogel, S. Wich, Y. Zeng. (2021). Fermented food consumption in wild nonhuman primates and its ecological drivers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 175(3): 513-530.
- Winegar, Jessica. (2021) “The Power of Nonsense: Humor in Egypt’s Counter/Revolution.” British Journal of Middle East Studies 48(1):1-15.
- Rosenbaum S, Kuzawa CW, McDade TW, Avila J, Bechayda SA, Gettler LT. (2021) “Fathers’ care in context: ‘facultative,’ flexible fathers respond to work demands and child age, but not to alloparental help, in Cebu, Philippines”. Evol Hum Behav 42(6)534-546.
- Rosenbaum S, Echardt W, Stoinski TS, Umuhoza R, Kuzawa CW, Santymire R. (2021) “Group structure, but not dominance rank, predicts fecal androgen metabolite concentrations of wild male mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei)”. Amer J Primatol 83(8):e23295.
- Ryan CP, Kuzawa CW. (2021) “The temporary cost of dominance”. Elife 10:e68790
- Amato KR, Arrieta M, Azad MB, Bailey MT, Broussard JL5, Bruggeling CE, Claud EC, Costello EK, Davenport ER, Dutilh BE, Swain Ewald HA, Ewald P, Hanlon EC, Julion W, Keshavarzian A, Maurice CF, Miller G, Preidis G, Segurel L, Singer B, Subramanian S, Zhao L, Kuzawa CW. (2021) “The Human Microbiome and Health Inequities” Proc Nat Acad Sciences
- Yildiz, Emrah. (2021) Of Nuclear Rials and Golden Shoes: Scaling Commodities and Currencies across Sanctions on Iran, International Journal of Middle East Studies 53 (4): 604-619.
- Johnson, Matthew. (2020) Writing the Past Backwards: the 2019 Childe Memorial Lecture. Archaeology International 23:1, 66-70.
- Winegar, Jessica and Deeb, Lara. (2020) When They Don’t Like What We Write: Criticism of Anthropology as a Diagnostic of Power. In The Scholar As Writer: Writing Anthropology, Ethnography, and Beyond. Carole McGranahan, ed. Durham: Duke University Press.
- Kuzawa CW. (2020) “Pregnancy as an intergenerational conduit of adversity: how nutritional and psychosocial stressors reflect different historical timescales of maternal experience” Current Opinion in Behavioral Sci 36: 42-47
- Kim AW, Adam EK, Bechayda SA, Kuzawa CW. (2020) “Early life stress and HPA axis function independently predict adult depressive symptoms in metropolitan Cebu, Philippines Am J Phys Anthropol 173(3):448-62
- Yildiz, Emrah. (2020) Nested (In)securities: Commodity and Currency Circuits in an Iran under sanctions, Cultural Anthropology 35 (2): 218-224.
- Amato, K.R., E.K. Mallott, D. McDonald, N.J. Dominy, T. Goldberg, J.E. Lambert, L. Swedell, J.L. Metcalf, A. Gomez, G.A.O. Britton, R.M. Stumpf, S.R. Leigh, R. Knight. (2019). Convergence of human and Old World monkey gut microbiomes demonstrates the importance of human ecology over phylogeny. Genome Biology. 20(1): 201-213.
- Amato, K.R., C.F. Maurice, K. Guillemin, T. Giles-Vernick. (2019) Multi-disciplinary in microbiome research: A challenge and opportunity to rethink causation, variability, and scale. BioEssays. 41(10): 1900007.
- Amato, K.R., J. Sanders, S.J. Song, M. Nute, J. Metcalf, L.R. Thompson, J.T. Morton, A. Amir, V. McKenzie, G. Humphrey, G. Gogul, J. Gaffney, A. Baden, G. Britton, F. Cuozzo, A. Di Fiore, N. Dominy, T. Goldberg, A. Gomez, M.M. Kowalewski, R. Lewis, A. Link, M. Sauther, S. Tecot, B. White, K. Nelson, R. Stumpf, R. Knight, S. Leigh. (2019) Evolutionary trends in host physiology outweigh diet in structuring primate gut microbiomes. ISME Journal. 13(3): 576-587.
- Amato, K.R., T. Jeyakumar, H. Poinar, P. Gros. (2019) Shifting climates, shifting foods, shifting diseases: Microbial perspectives on human evolution. Bioessays. 41(10): 1900034.
- Amato, K.R. (2019). Missing links: The role of primates in understanding the human microbiome. mSystems Special Issue on Early Career Scientists. 4: ee00165-19.
- di Leonardo, Micaela, "Black Radio/Black Resistance: The Life and Times of the Tom Joyner Morning Show". Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Johnson, Matthew, 2019, "1492: A Different Kind of 'Dicovery'." In DeCorse, C. (ed.) Power, Political Economy, and Historic Landscapes of the Early Modern World. Binghamton, SUNY Press, 25-54.
- Johnson, Matthew, "Archaeological Theory: An Introduction." Third Revised Edition, Oxford, Blackwell. 2019.
- TW McDade, CW Kuzawa, J Borja, JMG Arevalo, G Miller, SW Cole, 2019, "Profiles of gene expression in maternal blood predict offspring birth weight in normal pregnancy." Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, June 17:1-7.
- TW McDade, CP Ryan, MJ Jones, MK Hoke, J Borja, GE Miller, CW Kuzawa, MS Kobor, 2019, "Genome‐wide analysis of DNA methylation in relation to socioeconomic status during development and early adulthood", American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169 (1), 3-11.
- Waxenbaum EB, Warren MW, Holliday TW, Byrd JE, Cole TM. 2019. Ecogeographical patterning in fetal limb proportions. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169:93-103
- Young, S.L., Godfred, B.O., Jamaluddine, Z, Miller, J.D., Frongillo, E., Neilands, T., Collins, S.M., Wutich, A., Jepson, W., Stoler, J., & the HWISE Research Coordination Network. (2019). The Household Water InSecurity Experiences (HWISE) Scale: development and validation of a household water insecurity measure for low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ Global Health. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001750
- Young, S.L. & Miller, J.D. (2019). Medicine Beneath Your Feet: A Biocultural Examination of the Risks and Benefits of Geophagy. Clay and Clay Minerals. doi: 10.1007/s42860-018-0004-6
- Launay, Robert. (2019) Views from Afar: Understanding Medieval Trans-Saharan Trade through Accounts of Arab Geographers. Kathleen Bedford Berzock, ed. Caravans of Gold, Fragments in Time: Art, Culture, and Exchange across Medieval Saharan Africa. Block Museum of Art and Princeton University Press. Pp. 49-61.
- Hauser, Mark, 2018, “Huge Oceans, Small Comparisons: Danish Forts and their enclaves in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.” In Power, Political Economy, and Historical Landscapes of the Modern World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives” Binghamton University Press. Edited by C. R. Decorse
- Hauser, Mark W., W. Battle-Baptiste, K. Ozawa, B. Voss, R. McGuire, R. Bernbeck, S. Pollock, S. Atalay, Uzma Rizvi, C. Hernandez 2018, “Vital Topics Forum, Archaeology As Bearing Witness”. American Anthropologist 120 (3): 535-548.
- Johnson, Matthew, 2018, "Geography, political economy and the ‘Personality of Britain’." Post-Medieval Archaeology 52:1, 49-64.
- Johnson, Matthew, 2018, "Towards a political ecology of the medieval castle." In Milhauser, J. et. al. (eds) Uneven Terrains: Archaeological Approaches to Political Ecology. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 28, 51-67.
- Oas, Sarah E., and Mark W. Hauser. 2018 "The Political Ecology of Plantations from the Ground Up." Environmental Archaeology 23(1): 4-12.
- Winegar, Jessica, 2018 “Resonant Bodies: The Performance Art of Adham Hafez.” Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication 11:123-140. (Special issue on dissent, arts, and the Arab spring.)
- Launay, Robert, Savages, Romans, and Despots: Thinking about Others from Montaigne to Herder. The University of Chicago Press. 2018
- 2018 di Leonardo, Micaela, "#MeToo is nowhere near enough," Hau: Journal of Enthographic Theory 8 (3): 420-425
- Hauser, Mark W. 2017 “The Political Ecology of Water and Enslavement: Waterways in Eighteenth-Century Caribbean Plantations” Current Anthropology 58(2)227-256
- di Leonardo, Micaela, In Press The Trumpocalypse and Black Radio, Cultural Anthropology, "Hotspots.", Cultural Anthropology website, January 18, 2017.
- Johnson, Matthew Lived Experience in the Later Middle Ages: Studies of Bodiam and Other Elite Sites in South-East England. St Andrews, Highfield Press; see also project website at http://sites.northwestern.edu/medieval-buildings/.
- Logan, Amanda L. Will Agricultural Technofixes Feed the World? Short- and Long-Term Tradeoffsof Adopting High-Yielding Crops. In The Give and Take of Sustainability: Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives, edited by Michelle Hegmon. Cambridge University Press.
- Shankar, Shalini Language and Materiality: Theoretical and Ethnographic Explorations (co-edited w/ Jillian Cavanaugh). Cambridge University Press. 2017
- Sullivan, Noelle Multiple Accountabilities: Development Cooperation, Transparency, and the Politics of Unknowing in Tanzania’s Health Sector. Critical Public Health special section entitled “In Search of Results: Anthropological Interrogations of Evidence-Based Global Health.” Elanah Uretsky and Elsa Fan, special editors. 2017
- Jepson, W., Budds, J., Eichelberger, L., Harris, L., Norman, E., O’Reilly, K., Pearson, A., Shah, S., Shinn, J., Staddon, C., Stoler, J., Wutich, A., Young, S.L. (2017). Advancing human capabilities for water security: A relational approach. Water Security.
- Amato, K.R., R. Martinez-Mota, N. Righini, M. Raguet-Schofield, F.P. Corcione, E. Marini, G. Humphrey, G. Gogul, J. Gaffney7, E. Lovelace, L. Williams, A. Luong, M.G. Dominguez-Bello, R.M. Stumpf, B. White, K. Nelson, R. Knight, S.R. Leigh. (in press). Phylogenetic and ecological factors impact the gut microbiota of two Neotropical primate species. Oecologia
- Benton, Adia Forthcoming, African Expatriates and Race in the Anthropology of Humanitarianism, Critical African Studies, special issue on Studying Up in Africa.
- “Even war has rules:” On Medical Neutrality and Legitimate Non-Violence, Adia Benton with Sa’ed Atshan, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 40(2): 151-58.
- Benton, Adia Risky business: Race, nonequivalence and the humanitarian politics of life, Visual Anthropology 29(2): 187-203.
- di Leonardo, Micaela, Partyin with a Purpose: Black Respectability Politics and the Tom Joyner Morning Show, SOULS: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society. 18:2-4, 358-378
- Hauser, Mark W., “The Political Ecology of Water and Enslavement: Waterways in the Eighteenth Century Caribbean” submitted to Current Anthropology Dec 31 2015; accepted April 14, 2016
- Haynes, Nell. "Kiss with a fist: The chola’s humor and humiliation in Bolivian lucha libre," Journal of Language and Sexuality 5:2 (2016), 250–275.
- Haynes, Nell. Social Media in Northern Chile: Posting the Extraordinarily Ordinary. London: UCL Press.
- Miller, Daniel, Elisabetta Costa, Nell Haynes, Tom McDonald, Razvan Nicolescu, Jolynna Sinanan, Juliano Spyer, Shriram Venkantraman, and XinYuan Wang. How the World Changed Social Media. London: UCL Press.
- Logan, Amanda L. “Why Can’t People Feed Themselves?”: Archaeology as Alternative Archive of Food Security in Banda, Ghana. American Anthropologist 118 (3): 508-524.
- Logan, Amanda L. An Archaeology of Food Security in Banda, Ghana. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 27: 106-119.
- Ball, Terry, Karol Chandler-Ezell, Neil Duncan, Ruth Dickau, Thomas C. Hart, Jose Iriarte, Carol Lentfer, Amanda Logan, Houyuan Lu, Marco Madella, Deborah M. Pearsall, Dolores Piperno, Arlene M. Rosen, Luc Vrydaghs, Alison Weisskopf, Jianping Zhang (2016) Phytoliths as a Tool for Studying Agricultural Origins and Dispersal around the World. Journal of Archaeological Science 68: 32-45.
- Robin, Cynthia Everyday Life Matters: Maya Farmers at Chan Paperback – April 5, 2016
- Shankar, Shalini “Coming in First: Sound and Embodiment in Spelling Bees” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 26(2): 1-22.
- Sullivan, Noelle “Hosting Gazes: Clinical Volunteer Tourism and Hospital Hospitality in Tanzania.” In Ruth Prince and Hannah Brown (eds). Volunteer Economies: The Politics and Ethics of Voluntary Labour in Africa. James Currey.
- Waxenbaum EB, Sirak KA. 2016. Developmental patterns of bilateral asymmetry in Ancestral Puebloans. American Journal of Human Biology. 28:421-430.
- Waxenbaum EB, Stock MS. 2016. Metric assessment of the human bicondylar angle. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 160:334-340.
- Wendland, Claire, Susan Erikson and Noelle Sullivan. “Beneath the Spin: Moral Complexity and Rhetorical Simplicity in ‘Global Health.'” In Ruth Prince and Hannah Brown (eds). Volunteer Economies: The Politics and Ethics of Voluntary Labour in Africa. James Currey.
- Winegar, Jessica “A civilized revolution: Aesthetics and Political Action in Egypt,” American Ethnologist 43:609-622.
- Winegar, Jessica. (2016) “Islam at the Art School: Religious Young Artists in Egypt.” In Islam and Popular Culture, Karin van Nieuwkerk, Mark Levine, and Martin Stokes, eds. University of Texas Press, 187-203.
- Koss, C. A.,** Natureeba, P., Nyafwono, D., Plenty, A., Mwesigwa, J., Nzarubara, B., Clark, T., Ruel, T., Achan, J., Charlebois, E., Cohan, D., Kamya, M., Havlir, D., Young, S.L. (2016).Food Insufficiency is Associated with Lack of Sustained Viral Suppression among HIV-Infected Pregnant and Breastfeeding Ugandan Women. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 71(3) 310-315.
- Amato, K.R., C. J. Yeoman, C. Schmitt, G. Cerda, J.D. Cramer, M.E. Berg Miller, A. Gomez, T. Turner, B.A. Wilson, R. M. Stumpf, K.E. Nelson, R. Knight, S.R. Leigh, B.A. White. (in press). Variable responses of human and non-human primate gut microbiota to a Western diet. Microbiome.
- Hale, V., C.L. Tan, R. Knight, K.R. Amato. (2015). Effect of preservation method on spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) fecal microbiota over 8 weeks. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 113: 16-26. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2015.03.021
- Amato, K.R., S.R. Leigh, A.D. Kent, R. Mackie, C.J. Yeoman, R.M. Stumpf, B. A. Wilson, K.E. Nelson, B.A. White, P.A. Garber. (2015). The gut microbiota appears to compensate for seasonal diet variation in the wild black howler monkey. (Alouatta pigra). Microbial Ecology. 69(2): 434-443.
- Amato, K.R. and N. Righini. (2015). The howler monkey as a model for exploring host-gut microbiota interactions in primates. In: M. Kowalewski, P.A. Garber, L. Cortés-Ortiz, B. Urbani, and D. Youlatos, eds. Howler Monkeys: Adaptive radiation, systematics and morphology. Springer, New York. 229-258.
- International Political Economy and the West African Ebola Outbreak, African Studies Review, Adia Benton with Kim Yi Dionne, 58(1): 223-236.
- Benton, Adia HIV Exceptionalism: Development through Disease in Sierra Leone (University of Minnesota, 2015) Awarded the 2017 Rachel Carson Prize from the Society for Social Studies of Science This prize is awarded for a book length work of social or political relevance in the area of science and technology studies.
- Brian C. Wilson, Hauser, Mark W. Towards a South Asian Historical Archaeology (submitted to Historical Archaeology Sep 9 2015)
- Hauser, Mark W. "Risky business: rice and inter-colonial dependencies in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans." Atlantic Studies 12 (3): 371-392.
- Hauser, Mark W. "The Infrastructure of Nature’s Island: Settlements, Networks and Economy of Two Plantations in Colonial Dominica." International Journal of Historical Archaeology 19(3) : 601-622.
- Hoffman, Katherine Pratiques juridiques et idéologies langagières dans un tribunal coutumier non officiellement multilingue (Judicial Practices and Language Ideologies in an Unofficially Multilingual Court). Special issue, “Diversité linguistique, transformations sociales et économie politique (Linguistic Diversity, Social Transformations and Political Economy).” Anthropologies et Societés 39(3):29-50.
- Johnson, Matthew English houses, materiality, and everyday life. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 26, 27-39.
- Launay, Robert “Echoes of the class struggle: Exoticism, religion and politics in Fustel de Coulanges’ The Ancient City”, Regna Darnell and Frederic W. Gleach, eds., Corridor Talk to Culture History: Public Anthropology and Its Consequences, History of Anthropology Annual, vol. 9, University of Nebraska Press, 2015, pp.81-94.
- Launay, Robert “Islam in Black and White”, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35, 3, 2015, pp. 641-647.
- Hamada, Shingo, Richard Wilk, Amanda Logan, Sara Minard, and Amy Trubek (2015) The Future of Food Studies. Food, Culture, and Society 18(1):167-186.
- Chiao, J., Seligman R., S. Li, and R. Turner eds. 2015. Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Seligman, R., Choudhury S., and LJ. Kirmayer. 2015. Locating Culture in the Brain and in the World: From Social Categories to an Ecology of Mind. In Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Shankar, Shalini Advertising Diversity: Producing Language and Ethnicity in American Advertising. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
- Weismantel, Mary Seeing like an Archaeologist: Viveiros de Castro at Chavín de Huantar. Journal of Social Archaeology 15(3): 139-159.
- Weismantel, Mary Encounters with Dragons: The Stones of Chavín. RES: Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics 65-66: 37-53.
- Weismantel, Mary Many Heads Are Better than One: Mortuary Practice and Ceramic Heads in Ancient Moche Society. In Living with the Dead in the Andes. Izumi Shimada, ed. University of Arizona Press. 76-100.
- Winegar, Jessica Anthropology’s Politics: Disciplining the Middle East (Stanford University Press, 2015). Co-authored with Lara Deeb.
- Young, S.L., Natamba, B,.** Luwedde, F., Nyafwono, D., Okia, B., Osterbauer, B., Natureeba, P., Johnson, L., Michel, C., Zheng, A.,* Robine, M.,* Achan, J., Charlebois, E., Cohan, D., Havlir, D. (2015) ”I have remained strong because of that food": Acceptability and use of lipid-based nutrient supplements among pregnant HIV-infected Ugandan women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. AIDS and Behavior.
- Miao, D.,* Young, S.L., & Golden, C.D. (2015) A meta-analysis of pica and micronutrient status. American Journal of Human Biology, in press. (Cover article.)
- Amato, K.R., S.R. Leigh, A.D. Kent, R. Mackie, C.J. Yeoman, R.M. Stumpf, B.A. Wilson, K.E. Nelson, B.A. White, P.A. Garber. (2014). The role of gut microbes in satisfying the demands of adult and juvenile wild, black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 155(4): 652-664. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22621
- Hauser, Mark W. Land, Labor and Things: Surplus in a New West Indian Colony (1763-1807). Economic Anthropology 1(1): 49-65.
- Johnson, Matthew (with Sara Perry) Reconstruction art and disciplinary practice: Alan Sorrell and the negotiation of the archaeological record. Antiquaries Journal 94, 1-30.
- Locke, Peter “Anthropology and Medical Humanitarianism in the Age of Global Health Education.” Book chapter, forthcoming in Sharon Abramowitz and Catherine Panter-Brick, eds., Medical Humanitarianism in States of Emergency, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014.
- Logan, Amanda L., and Cameron Gokee, guest editors Comparing Craft and Culinary Practice in Africa. African Archaeological Review 31(2). 10 articles, 306 pp.
- Logan, Amanda L., and M. Dores Cruz Gendered Taskscapes: Food, Farming, and Craft Production in Banda, Ghana, in the 18th to 21st centuries. African Archaeological Review 31(2): 203-231.
- Gokee, Cameron D., and Amanda L. Logan Themes in Comparing Craft and Culinary Practice. Introduction to Special Issue of African Archaeological Review 31(2): 87-104.
- Stahl, Ann B., and Amanda L. Logan (2014) Resilient Villagers: Eight centuries of continuity and change in Banda village life. In Current Perspectives in the Archaeology of Ghana, edited by J. Anquandah, B. Kankpeyeng and W. Apoh, pp. 44-63. Sub-Saharan Publishers, Accra.
- Russel y Rodriguez, Monica Respect yourself, protect yourself: Latina girls and sexual identity- Book Review Journal of Gender Studies. Spring (vol. 22, issue 2)
- Seligman, R. 2014. Possessing Spirits and Healing Selves: Embodiment and Transformation in an Afro-Brazilian Religion. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
- Seligman, R., E. Mendenhall, M. Valdovinos, A. Fernandez, and E. Jacobs. 2014. Subjectivity and self-care among Mexican Americans with Diabetes. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
- Shankar, Shalini “Producing Authenticity in Global Capitalism: Language, Materiality, and Value.” Co-author Jillian Cavanaugh. American Anthropologist 116(1): 1-14.
- Weismantel, Mary Substances: ‘Following the material’ through two prehistoric cases. Co-authored with Lynn Meskell. Journal of Material Culture 19(3): 233-251.
- Winegar, Jessica “Civilizing Muslim Youth: Egyptian state culture programmes and Islamic television preachers,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20:445-465.
- Lin, J.,* Temple, L.,* Trujillo, C., Mejia-Rodriguez, F., Goldman Rosas, L., Fernald, L., & Young, S. L. Pica during pregnancy among Mexican-born women: a formative study. Maternal and Child Nutrition 2014