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Graduate Course Catalog

ANTHRO 306- Evolution of Life Histories

Evolved strategies for allocating resources among growth, reproduction, and maintenance; emphasis on the biological processes underlying the human life cycle and its evolution.

ANTHRO 310- Evolution and Human Social Behavior

Introduction to the application of theory from evolutionary biology to cultural anthropology; principles of evolutionary biology; application of principles to human social behavior and culture.

Prerequisite: 213 or equivalent.

ANTHRO 311- The Indians of North America

Survey of aboriginal cultures of northern Mexico, continental United States, Alaska and Canada. Languages, art, and social, economic and religious life of representative North American Indian tribes

ANTHRO 312- Human Population Biology

Current theory and research in human biological diversity, focusing on the impact of ecological and social factors on human biology; how adaptation to environmental stressors promotes human biological variation.

Prerequisite: 213.

ANTHRO 314- Human Growth and Development

Integrated biological and cultural perspective on human growth and development from infancy through adolescence; cross-cultural variation in developmental processes and outcomes.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level course in anthropology, psychology, or biology or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 315- Medical Anthropology

Theories of interactions between culture and biology that affect human health. Beliefs and practices for curing illness and maintaining well-being. Cross-cultural study of infectious and chronic diseases, mental illness, infant/maternal mortality, poverty, and gender.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level anthropology or sociology course, or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 317- Human Evolution

Fossil record and reconstruction of phylogeny, morphological and behavioral adaptation of early hominids and forebears.

ANTHRO 318- Material Worlds/Middle Ages

Landscapes, buildings, and material culture of medieval Europe, as seen through archaeology and related disciplines.

ANTHRO 319- Material Life and Cultural Europe 1500-1800

Landscapes, buildings, and material culture of early modern Europe, as seen through archaeology and related disciplines.

ANTHRO 320- Peoples of Africa
A survey of the cultures of Africa and the significant similarities and differences among the indigenous societies of the continent.

Prerequisite: 211.

ANTHRO 321- Archaeological Field Methods
Practical training in archaeological field methods and techniques at an excavation site; given with Summer Archaeological Field School.

ANTHRO 322- Introduction to Archaeology Research Design and Methods
Quantitative and numerical approaches to the description and analysis of patterns in archaeological data, including typology, sequence ordering and attribute analysis.

Prerequisite: 301 or 302 or equivalent.

ANTHRO 325- Archaeological Methods Laboratory
Analysis of archaeological methods (faunal, botanical, artifact, or soil analysis) with various techniques. May be repeated for credit.

ANTHRO 327- The Archaeology of Ethnicity in America

History of different ethnic groups in America as shown through material culture: their living quarters, burials, food remains, tools, jewelry, etc.  How ethnic groups have been portrayed or ignored in museum displays that claim to depict the American, and Chinese-Americans.  For students considering careers in anthropology, archaeology, museum studies, education, and history.

ANTHRO 330- Peoples of the World
Ethnography and comparative study of a regionally or historically associated group of cultures or a type of community defined in ecological, ideological, or other terms. May be repeated for credit.

ANTHRO 332- The Anthropology of Reproduction
Marriage and reproduction throughout the world, particularly the developing world and Africa. Conjugal strategies, fertility, contraception.

ANTHRO 334- Anthropology of HIV-AIDs

The experiences of HIV-positive people; local and global policies shaping access to treatment; contributions of anthropologists to reducing HIV/AIDS globally. Readings from classic and current ethnographies. Prerequisite: 300-level course in anthropology or sociology.

ANTHRO 339- Material Culture
The relationship between material objects and social life; review of theoretical approaches to gifts and commodities; ethnographic collecting in colonial and postcolonial settings; relationship between culture and aesthetics.

Prerequisite: 211 or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 341- Economic Anthropology
Economic organization in small-scale, non-industrialized communities. Traditional structures of primitive and peasant economies.

ANTHRO 350- Anthropology of Religion
The human relationship with the supernatural and action patterns accompanying beliefs. Comparison of non-literate religions and historical religions.

ANTHRO 354- Gender and Anthropology
Cross-cultural survey of women's roles from three perspectives: biosocial, sociocultural, politicoeconomic. Theory of gender inequality; emphasis on the third world.

ANTHRO 355- Sexualities
Cross-cultural survey of sexuality from an anthropological perspective. Focuses on three periods in anthropology; the first half of the 20th century; the 1970s and 1980s; and the turn of the 21st century.

ANTHRO 360- Language and Culture
Relationship between language and culture: language as the vehicle of culture and as the manifestation of thought.

ANTHRO 361- Talk and Social Action
Analysis of talk-in-interaction based on examination of audio and video recorded data and associated transcripts. Conversation, action, turn, sequence, relevance, social structure, qualitative methodologies.

Prerequisite: 215 or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 362- Advanced Methods in Quantitative Analysis
Advanced applications of univariate and multivariate statistics to anthropological research questions.

Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

ANTHRO 370- Anthropology in Historical Perspective
Major schools of thought in social, archaeological and biological anthropology over the last century.

Prerequisite: one 200-level course in anthropology or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 372- Third World Urbanization
Urbanization processes in the Third world. Spatial development, wage labor, the informal sector, gender relations, rural-urban migration, and global and transnational interactions. Effects of these processes on sociocultural practices.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level social science course or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 373- Power and Culture in American Cities
Overview of history and present realities of American urban life, with focus on ethnographic knowledge and stratification by class, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and sexuality. Reconstitution of social and cultural relations, politics, and labor markets by recurrent streams of migration.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level cultural anthropology or sociology course or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 374- The Anthropology of Complex Organizations
Examination of recent research in organizational ethnography based on investigations in industrial ethnology, the anthropology of work, studies of public-sector bureaucracies, and research in multinational corporations.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level anthropology or sociology course or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 376- Socialization
Cross-cultural study of the intergenerational transmission of culture; processes by which social groups pass on social tradition and behavior to succeeding generations.

Prerequisite: 211, introductory psychology, or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 377- Psychological Anthropology
Contemporary approaches to cross-cultural behavior: ecocultural aspects of behavior development through maturation and socialization in human and nonhuman primates.

Prerequisite: introductory survey courses in psychology or anthropology, or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 378- Law and Culture
Introduction to the anthropology of law; institutional knowledge as seen in material culture and legal documents; colonial and post-colonial settings; theoretical approaches to the relationships between law and culture, colonialism, evidence, and globalization.

Prerequisite: 200-level course in anthropology or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 382- Households and Everyday Life
The role of households and everyday life in past and present societies throughout the world. Focus on people, gender, social relations, and interpersonal relations. An archaeology course with heavy emphasis on theoretical perspectives from sociology and cultural anthropology.

Prerequisite: 100 or 200-level anthropology, history, or sociology course.

ANTHRO 383- Environmental Anthropology
Theory of interactions between organisms and their environments, with application to human populations.

ANTHRO 386- Methods in Human Biology Research
Laboratory-based introduction to international research in human biology and health; methods for assessing nutritional status, physical activity, growth, cardiovascular health, endocrine and immune function.

Prerequisite: 213 or consent of instructor.

ANTHRO 389- Ethnographic Methods and Analysis
Descriptive, naturalistic study of the culture of human social groups. Data gathering through observation and interview. Data analysis for ethnographic reporting.

Prerequisites: 211 and 215.

ANTHRO 390- Topics in Anthropology
Advanced work in areas of developing interest and special significance. Can be repeated for credit with different topics.

ANTHRO 391- Archaeology, Ethics, and Contemporary Society
Ethical issues in the practice of archaeology; focus on developing archaeological materials relevant to contemporary society.

ANTHRO 396- Advanced Archaeological Field Methods (1 or 2)
Complex excavation and survey procedures, topographic map-making, excavation drawing, soil description. Offered in conjunction with the Summer Archaeological Field School.

ANTHRO 399- Independent Study

Open with consent of department to juniors and seniors who have completed, with distinction, at least two-quarter courses or equivalent in anthropology. Under the direction of individual members of the department.

ANTHRO 401-1,2,3,4 The Logic of Inquiry in Anthropology
Advanced introduction to the core of anthropology for beginning graduate students.

ANTHRO 424- Seminar in Biological Anthropology
Presentation and discussion of topics in biological anthropology, including graduate student and faculty research interests, new literature and reports on current meetings.

ANTHRO 430- Integrative Seminar in Society, Biology, and Health

Survey of efforts to understand the dynamic relationships among society, biology, and health, with emphasis on confronting epistemological and methodological challenges to successful interdisciplinary scholarship on health in an era of increasing specialization.

ANTHRO 442-0 Producing Territory: People, Goods and Values on the Move (1 Unit)  

What is territory? Is it simply the physical space (land, air or sea) over which a state exercises sovereignty? How does this presumed alignment of territory and sovereignty come about and get maintained? This course examines these questions by proposing that territories products of mobile social actors, contraband commodities and fluctuating values as much as they are of state policies aimed at managing these movement.

ANTHRO 470- History of Anthropological Theory
Sociocultural anthropology during the past 150 years; philosophical and historical roots of the subject.

ANTHRO 472- Seminar in Political Anthropology
Anthropological approaches to cross-cultural study of political and political organization. Themes include evolutionary and historical frameworks; political processes; kinship, ethnicity and religion; political change, colonialism and the world system.

ANTHRO 473- Seminar in Economic Anthropology
Anthropological approaches to the study of economic life. Case studies and theoretical works address the development of economic anthropology and its relationship to the rest of the discipline and to other social sciences.

ANTHRO 474- Seminar in Religion and Values
Philosophical and methodological problems that relate to cultural anthropology. Approaches to the analysis of cosmology, ritual and myth; comparison of scriptural and non-scriptural religions.

ANTHRO 475- Seminar in Contemporary Theory
Recent trends in social theory. Examines work from outside as well as within anthropology, as it has contributed to debate within the discipline (e.g., structuralism, practice theory, post-modernism).

ANTHRO 476- Globalization & Discontents

Analysis of the globalization phenomenon from historical political-economic perspective. Neoliberalism, increasing global inequality, race, gender, nationalism, migration, labor and commodity chains, roles of NGOs, anti-globalization politics

ANTHRO 477- Race/Ethnicity, Gender, & Nationality

An anthropological, political-economic and history of thought perspective on the related phenomena of race/ethnicity, gender, and nationalism from the nineteenth century to the present.

ANTHRO 478- Critical Americanist Ethnographies

In this seminar, we will consider the history and present reality of ethnographic work on the non-Native American urban United States. American anthropology operates with the ever-renewed myth that anthropologists "just now" are beginning to work "at home," while in fact practitioners have done U.S. work since the 1910s. This myth, and unfortunate notions of a delimited ethnographic purview untainted by historical and extra-disciplinary scholarship, have impoverished American ethnographic theory and method.

ANTH 484- Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology

Advanced seminar featuring a select topic in linguistic anthropological theory and praxis. Topics will incorporate perspectives about political economy, gender, race, ethnicity, class, and social inequality.

ANTHRO 485- Seminar in Mind, Body, & Health

Mind, Body, and Health: Critical evaluation of hidden epistemologies embedded within cultural constructions of mind and body, health and illness. Examination of cultural, social, and political-economic influences on health and exploration of the concept of embodiment. Comparative investigation of how humans cope with pain, illness, and suffering.

ANTHRO 486- Evolution and Biological Anthropology

History of evolutionary thought; the development of biological anthropology.

ANTHRO 490- Topics in Anthropology
Presentations by departmental faculty on contemporary topics of importance to the development of anthropology. May be repeated for credit with change in topic.

ANTHRO 496- Bridging Seminar
Advanced course designed to integrate topics from the four sub fields of anthropology (archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology and linguistic anthropology). May be repeated for credit.

ANTHRO 499-1,2,3 Independent Study
Permission of instructor and department required.

ANTHRO 519- Responsible Conduct of Research Training

Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research to fulfill the University requirement.  This includes online CITI training and completion of an approved course with 4 hours of in person instruction

ANTHRO 570- Anthropology Seminar
Special topics. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.

ANTHRO 590- Research
Independent investigation of selected problems pertaining to thesis or dissertation.