M. Geoffrey Hayes
Associate Professor Medicine, Endocrinology Division; Feinberg School of Medicine

- ghayes@northwestern.edu
- 312-503-4141
- Tarry 15-759, 303 E. Chicago Avenue, Chicago
Research and teaching interests
Dr. Hayes’ research interests lie in both evolutionary population genetics and genetic epidemiology. The evolutionary population genetic projects include the examination of genetic profiles of prehistoric and contemporary populations from the North American Arctic and Subarctic to better understand human population histories in these regions. This research has afforded Hayes the opportunity to conduct field research in the Aleutian Islands and the Alaskan North Slope. His genetic epidemiology projects involve the identification of genetic risk factors underlying common, complex genetic traits and diseases such as diabetes, asthma, and related metabolic, pulmonary, and cardiovascular traits, as well as the development of new methods to conduct such studies. Dr. Hayes' particular specialty in genetic epidemiology and statistical genetics is the design and implementation of genomewide association studies.
Selected publications
Pinto, J. M., Thanaviratananich, S., Hayes, M. G., Naclerio, R. M. and Ober, C. (2008). A genome-wide screen for hyposmia susceptibility Loci. Chem Senses 33, 319-29.
Hayes, M. G., Pluzhnikov, A., Miyake, K., Sun, Y., Ng, M. C., Roe, C. A., Below, J. E., Nicolae, R. I., Konkashbaev, A., Bell, G. I. et al. (2007). Identification of type 2 diabetes genes in Mexican Americans through genome-wide association studies. Diabetes 56, 3033-44.
Kurz, T., Hoffjan, S., Hayes, M. G., Schneider, D., Nicolae, R., Heinzmann, A., Jerkic, S. P., Parry, R., Cox, N. J., Deichmann, K. A. et al. (2006). Fine mapping and positional candidate studies on chromosome 5p13 identify multiple asthma susceptibility loci. J Allergy Clin Immunol 118, 396-402.
Hayes, M. G., del Bosque-Plata, L., Tsuchiya, T., Hanis, C. L., Bell, G. I. and Cox, N. J. (2005). Patterns of linkage disequilibrium in the type 2 diabetes gene calpain-10. Diabetes 54, 3573-6.
O'Rourke, D. H., Hayes, M. G. and Carlyle, S. W. (2000). Spatial and temporal stability of mtDNA haplogroup frequencies in native North America. Hum Biol 72, 15-34.