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Winter 2018 Class Schedule

ANTH 101-6-21First Year Seminar: How the 99% LiveMicaela di LeonardoTu  5:00-8:00pmRm 104
ANTH 101-6-22First Year Seminar: Anthropology of TimeCaroline BledsoeTTh  2:00-3:20pmUniversity Hall 112
ANTH 101-6-23First Year Seminar: Modern PlaguesAdia BentonMW  12:30-1:50pmHarris Hall L05
ANTH 101-6-24First Year Seminar: WrestlingNell HaynesTTh  12:30-1:50pmRm B07
ANTH 213-0-1*Human OriginsErin WaxenbaumMWF  12:00-12:50Lutkin Hall
ANTH 213-0-61Discussion SectionM  9:00-9:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-62Discussion SectionM  10:00-10:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-63Discussion SectionTu  9:00-9:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-64Discussion SectionW  9:00-9:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-65Discussion SectionW  10:00-10:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-66Discussion SectionTh  9:00-9:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-67Discussion SectionF  9:00-9:50amRm 104
ANTH 213-0-68Discussion SectionF  10:00-10:50amRm 104
ANTH 215-0-1*The Study of Culture Through LanguageNeil HaynesMW  9:30-10:50amHarris Hall L07
ANTH 215-0-61Discussion SectionM  8:30-9:20amB07
ANTH 215-0-62Discussion SectionTu  9:00-9:50amB07
ANTH 215-0-63Discussion SectionF  10:00-10:50amB07
ANTH 215-0-64Discussion SectionF  9:00-9:50amB07
ANTH 215-0-65Discussion SectionTh  9:00-9:50amB07
ANTH 316-0-20Forensic AnthropologyErin WaxenbaumMW  9:30-10:50amRm B07
ANTH 327-0-1The Archaeology of Ethnicity in AmericaMark HauserMW  9:30-10:50amUniversity Hall 101
ANTH 328-0-1The MayaCynthia RobinTTh  12:30-1:50pmRm 104
ANTH 332-0-20The Anthropology of ReproductionCaroline BledsoeM  6:00-8:50pmRm 104
ANTH 373-0-1Power and Culture in American CitiesMicaela di LeonardoTh  5:00-7:50pmRm B07
ANTH 386-0-20Methods in Human Biology ResearchAaron MillerTTh  11:00am-12:20pmA58
ANTH 390-0-23Porous Borders: Geography, Power and Tactics of MovementEmrah YildizTTh  3:30-4:50pmKresge Hall 4-531
ANTH 390-0-24Anthropology of NGOErin MooreMW  11:00am-12:20pm555 Clark B03
ANTH 390-0-25Ecology of Infant FeedingSera YoungTTh  9:30-10:50amLOCY 106
ANTH 390-0-26Selfies, Social Movements, and Fake News: Media Anthropology TodayNeil HaynesTTh  9:30-10:50amA56
ANTH 390-0-27Anthropology of ChinaStefan HenningTTh  11:00am-12:20pmB07
ANTH 390-0-28Ethnobiology of Maple SyrupEli S SuzukovichF  1:00-3:00pmFisk Hall 114
ANTH 398-0-1Senior SeminarAna AparicioTu  2:00-4:50pmB07
ANTH 401-3-01Logic of Inquiry in AnthropologyJessica WinegarTh  5-7:50Rm 104
ANTH 474-0-1Seminar in Religion & ValuesRobert LaunayTh  2-4:50Rm 104
ANTH 490-0-22Mapping People, Place, and SpaceMark HauserMW  12:30-1:50Rm B07
ANTH 490-0-23Ethnographic MethodsAna AparicioW  2:00-4:50Rm 104
ANTH 496-0-1"The Field" - Bridging SeminarMatthew Johnson & Adia BentonT  2:00-4:50Rm 104